2023 Men’s Phoenix Cup – Registration – OPEN (as of June 1)

Registration Form

Registration Fees
Men’s: $250 / team
Security Deposit: $100 / team
Tournament is capped at 20 teams (4 pools of 5).
In an effort to include as many teams from different clubs as possible (and to also reduce the likelihood of two teams from the same club playing each other), we’ll be having a cap of 3 teams/club. Additional teams can be waitlisted in the event that other teams drop out.
Registration / payment deadline is: Saturday, July 22, 2023.
Payment Details
Payment can be sent via EMT to payments@torontophoenix.com. Auto deposit has been set up already. If you require a security answer, please set it to: 2023PhoenixCup
Security deposits will be returned within 1-2 weeks after the tourney. After making the payment, feel free to check back on the main Phoenix Cup page to see if your team is fully registered.